dilluns, 20 de febrer del 2012


    Ivu's a great friend of mine, he's from Gambia so he's black. Ivu's tall, brown-eyed and he's got ''rasta hair''. He's seventeen years old and he's got a a brother who plays football.
   At first, Ivu seems introverted, shy, serious... but he's totally different with his friends. When we're together is very chatty and he helps me in my bad moments. He's quite outgoing; he likes to going out on weekends, but noy always.
   Ivu, likes a lot of people, has got worries, fears... and I try to help him. He's worried about the future, the politicians... so when we're speaking about those things I ignore him and I play music(Don't worr, be happy by Bobby McFerrin). He would like to kill all the politicians and make a reset in our lives. ''IMPOSSIBLE IVU!!''
   Finally, I've to say that my friend is not a silly boy. He's very sociable, ambitious, intuitive... (he guides himself a lot by intuitions). Those are good qualities in a friend.

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