divendres, 2 de març del 2012


Leaving the t-shirt on the banch while I warm up myself and then I put on my t-shirt while my coach gives us the last instructions before going to the pitch. A lot of people could wonder, with all the right of the world, from where do this tradition become?

First of all, I'll tell you thet I play basketball, you have to be totally concentrated if you want that things go reasonably well, that's why I need a method of concentration. Secondly, I'll tell you that when I started playing basketball I used to be nervious before start the game. One day, I forgot to wear the t-shirt game, I don't know why, then I had to warm up myself with the tracksuit, while my father went to bring it. He arrived just before we started the match and I've to put on my t-shirt in the situation that I told you before.

The day finished well for me and my team, so I decided to continue with that routine: warm up myself with the tracksuit and put on my t-shirt  a few minutes before the begining jump.
Afegeix la llegenda

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