dilluns, 12 de març del 2012


Really, I don't have any favourite song but there are some songs that I like very much. These songs are: ''L'Empordà'' by Sopa de cabra and ''Dear Mr. President'' by Pink.

About the first one I can say that I like the lyrics a lot and the content as well. In this song the band talks about the Empordà, the zone where I was born and where I live, so I identify myself a bit with it.

According to the second one, (''Dear Mr. President'') I've to say that it makes me cry everytime that I listen to it. Also it makes me think about the world and how the politicians are. When I listen to that song I feel really calm.

To conclude, these two songs are like the fire and the ice, so when I want to be calm I try to listen ''Dear Mr. President and when I want the opposite I listen to ''L'Empordà''.

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