dissabte, 20 d’octubre del 2012



  William belongs to a rural village in South Africa. His family and people around the village depend on farming, so it was difficult and hard for Willy to continue studying because of the farming, then he had decided to drop out of school.
 He was a special one, because he had a great idea to help himself and his family, and the idea was to build a windmill to achieve power and use electricity for many things. The idea came by searching a book in the library, he saw a picture of a windmill and he thought that he had to do something similar. He was fourteen when he ddecided to do it.
 People around couldn't believe it. They thought that he was going mad, but when they saw what he finally had done everybody was surprised and everybody wanted to have a windmill and take profit about it.
As a result of his effort, in 2007 he was invited to the USA. The American journalists were interested in interviewing Willy and in one of these interviews he had revealed a little secret, he took a tractor fan to build the windmill. He said that his dream is to finish the education, as well.

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