divendres, 16 de novembre del 2012


Two friends taking a talk after a long time without meeting each other. Jay is so different now...

Jay: -Hi guy!
Tom: -Hi Jay, it's been a long time!!
        How are you?
Jay: -I'm fine...what about you?
Tom: -Well, right now I'm ok. I feel on cloud nine!
       Oh Jay, what had happened to your nose??
Jay: -Nothing weird, I've operated it...
Tom: (confused)
Jay: -Have I done something wrong?
Tom: -No,no...I was thinking that you were different...
Jay: -People changes buddy! ;)
Tom: -Oh, what the hell, your lips Jay! You're surprising me so much!
Jay: -Yes Tom, I've applied a bit of lipo in my lips, as well.
        Any peoblem with that?
Tom: -Please Jay, don't be angry. Why are people so crazy? (lowly)
Jay: -Have you said anything Tom?
Tom: -Oh no, no...I was just...
Jay: -Trying what men?? (angrylly)
Tom: -Mmmmm...(looking at the floor) trying to understand you, because you've changed a lot since last time.
Jay: -Tell me why. Just because of the lipo? It's normal, do you know what I mean?
Tom: -Yes, yes...but what I mean is that before you were a good guy and...
Jay: -So, now you think that I'm a bad boy, am I wrong?
Tom: -Noooo, please listen.
Jay: -Let's go, explain yourself.
Tom: -Well, when we were at the high school you were funnier, you liked to go to the gym and all that stuff.
        But actually there isn't anything from the high school's Jay.
Jay: -That's not your business Tom!
Tom: -Ok Jay, I'm just tryibg to help you to recognize that lipo could become an addiction for you.
Jay: -What the f*** are you saying?
Tom: -My advice to you dear is to wake up from that dangerous dream which you belong to.
Jay: -Shut uo, ok Tom?
Tom: -I won't shut up 'cause I wanna help you. You've done a turn for the worse...
Jay: -Leave me, I don't wanna hear you!
(Tom cannot believe what he's hearing and leaves).

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