dissabte, 24 de novembre del 2012


    It is generally agreed that humour is necessary in our lives. But why is it not completely agreed?
First of all, it is compulsory to say that it is impossible to be totally in favour of some statements or something happens. Everyone to their choice...
    Let's explain a little about that statement. There are people who strongly believe that humour is an aspect which should be everyday with us. They say that jokes make our lives easy and if we have not a bit of humour we could run into trouble. That group needs laughs and crazy people around them to go on with their days.
    Contrary to them, there are the ones who think that it is not strongly  necessary a sense of humour to carry on with our lives. That group deffends generally that laughs are only a little part of us, they say that there are things hardly important than laughs.
    While these teo groups are opposite, I think that every statement could be accepted next to a good reason.To conclude, I feel that people are becoming more liberal and humour becomes something really important for us.

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