dilluns, 25 de febrer del 2013



Najat is my medium sister and I don't know exactly how old she is (29 more or less), it is difficult to believe but it is true. I've chosen her to do that work because I look up to Najat. She had strived a lot to achieve her goals and she got them. She has an economical degree and she still works. Physically, she is quite tall and slim, she has a sweet face and wonderful eyes, as well. She is not a spectacular woman and that is what I like the most, because she is generous, pleasant and I can lean on her when I have any troubles.
  As I said previously, she has an economical degree from Universitat de Girona and she works in a construction company and she is important there. She is a responsible person and very mature. I think she is in that way because when my family came to Catalunya they hadn't so much money, so someone had to think about it and she did it. Now she is married and lives without so many worries. It is difficult for me to describe a fault, but well, from my point of view, she is excessivelly generous.

  In conclusion, I would like to grow up and be like my sister, but I am conscious that this requires a lot of effort. I am proud of having a clever sister because I will always have her support/help.
Final reflection: due to the fact that I have an excessivelly generous sister I am in that way, maybe if I had been born before her I'd have been different.

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