divendres, 26 d’abril del 2013

Castelló d'Empúries
12th April 2013

President Mariano Rajoy 
Complejo de la Moncloa
Avda.del Hierro s/n

Dear Mariano Rajoy,

I wonder if you are aware of the almost inhumane situation that our country suffers. The country is becoming a state of tycoons: the one who was rich now increases his/her account and, consequently, the one who was living in a medium level is starting a recession.

  If I could give you some advice, I would just ask you to hear what is the global concern(finding a job) and I would ask you to be willing to do whatever it takes to redirect the shocking situation, as well. In the streets of the big cities there is some uproar nearly every week because of the worrying situation. However, the crisis is global so you are not the main guilty, but please, take special notice of the citizens.

  I am looking forward to see some changes in my life.
  Yours sincerelly,


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