dimecres, 6 de juny del 2012


    It’s clear that I’ve improved my level since 2009. In all the areas I’ve learnt new fatcs  because we did in class a lot of listenings, songs with lyrics, we see films... I really think that I’ve improved my English enjoying it, that’s the most important. Before, I was get used to use the translator to do the writings, but day after day I’ve learnt that I have to use my words if what I want is to succes.

    In my case, it’s good to say that the activity that I like more is the oral prsentations. It seems to me that I develope myself better orally than in an e–ssay. Also I like a lot when we work in the lyrics of whatever song or film. I think that these two things had helped me a lot in my improvement.

    The activities that were really useful for me to improve are the homeworks and the listenings. Refeer to the first, I’ve to say that we can learn a lot if we did our homework from the ativity book; and refeer to the second one, it’s important to listen and understand somebody, it’s basic.

    While the listenings, presentations... and all that stuff I consider them usefuls, the task that I’ve not enjoyed and I think that is not really useful is the podcast. The podcast is a task that we can prepare and try it a lot of times and the important for me is the spontanious things.

    To conclude, next year I’d ike to do more presentations and dialogues like having a formal argue or something like that. It won’t be a problem if we have to do a blog, but I think that it shouldn’t be compulsary. That’s all.     

diumenge, 3 de juny del 2012


The Dromedary

The dromedary is the arabian camel.

Is an animal with one hump (the camel have two). Is a very resistent animal. Dromedaries rarely sweat, even in the hot desert, so they can save the fluids for a long time in his hump.

For 3500 years ago the man has domesticated the camel, using his great strength and resistance to travel around the desert.

For it I love the camels, they're a very strong animal, apparently quiet at everytime. Probably any other animal could survive with this conditions. For this reason, the camel is an exceptional animal, and they have gained an entry on this blog.



He opened the house door and went to the Central Park, double quick. He felt, while he was walking, an atmosphere full of tension.

When he arrived at the park he met two young people who were victims of an undesirable situtation, because thet were arguing. Arnold told John: <<You must accept my freedom, and this is what you are not doing!>> And John replied angrilly: <<I'm not going to tolerate that you or anybody else smoke in a public park and, besides that, in front of me.>>

He was very unhappy with his life, it wasn't the first time that he went out from his house and found this type of atmosphere. Then he decided to sit in a bench and think carefully. In his brain there were dark thoughts like killing himself, going abroad... Just in that precise moment the most terrible thing happened: Arnold, tired of trying John to make understand that he has the freedom to smoke outside, told him that if he goes against what he says he will kill him.

Finally, he came home thinking that he wasn't the ones in the world that has problems. That was a reason that gives power to somebody to continue living.



La Cerdanya is a pyrenean ‘’comarca’’ in northern Catalunya. There are actually two parts to Cerdanya, a result of its division between Spain and France as part of the 1659 Treaty of the Pyrenees. The northern part, Alt Cerdanya, belongs to France, whereas the southern part, Baix Cerdanya, is Spanish territory. It is bordered by the Catalan comarques of Alt Urgell to the west, Solsonès and Berguedà to the south and Ripollès to the east.
Noteworthy religious buildings include the Esgle´sia de Sant Domènec in the heart of the town, with its gothic murals, and a 42-metre square belltower, the Campanar de Santa Maria(you can visit it)

La Cerdanya is a ‘’comarca’’ of Catalunya, and it’s divided in two parts: the northern part(Alt Urgell) and the southern part(Baix Cerdanya).It’s interesting to visit the churches from Cerdanya, there are gothic murals…

New words for me: -whereas: mentre que

Magazine: Costa Brava Resident, number 32, April 2008.

divendres, 1 de juny del 2012



Introduction:These are two guys who they studied togheter until the university.They both conpleted their studies and now,after ten years they meet themselves again.

J:Is that you?
Y:Yes oh my god Joan it's been a long time!!
J:What about your life,what happened with your life?
Y:Well non,I'm working in a travel agency in Portugal.I'm very comfortable there.
J:Oh man it sounds good!
Y:And you dude what about you?
J:Nothing extraodinary,but I work in a coffee company in Brasil.
Y:Are you single or what man?
J:Yes, but I've met a lot of women in Brasil.
Y:Oh Joan you are crazy!!In my case I'm married.
J:(laughs)Oh you've become screwed!!
Y:But you've to know that I'm living in a paradise.
J:Sorry buddy.I see you someday.

(Ivan, you've to go on youtube with this link. Sorry!)