divendres, 1 de juny del 2012



Introduction:These are two guys who they studied togheter until the university.They both conpleted their studies and now,after ten years they meet themselves again.

J:Is that you?
Y:Yes oh my god Joan it's been a long time!!
J:What about your life,what happened with your life?
Y:Well non,I'm working in a travel agency in Portugal.I'm very comfortable there.
J:Oh man it sounds good!
Y:And you dude what about you?
J:Nothing extraodinary,but I work in a coffee company in Brasil.
Y:Are you single or what man?
J:Yes, but I've met a lot of women in Brasil.
Y:Oh Joan you are crazy!!In my case I'm married.
J:(laughs)Oh you've become screwed!!
Y:But you've to know that I'm living in a paradise.
J:Sorry buddy.I see you someday.

(Ivan, you've to go on youtube with this link. Sorry!)

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