diumenge, 3 de juny del 2012



La Cerdanya is a pyrenean ‘’comarca’’ in northern Catalunya. There are actually two parts to Cerdanya, a result of its division between Spain and France as part of the 1659 Treaty of the Pyrenees. The northern part, Alt Cerdanya, belongs to France, whereas the southern part, Baix Cerdanya, is Spanish territory. It is bordered by the Catalan comarques of Alt Urgell to the west, Solsonès and Berguedà to the south and Ripollès to the east.
Noteworthy religious buildings include the Esgle´sia de Sant Domènec in the heart of the town, with its gothic murals, and a 42-metre square belltower, the Campanar de Santa Maria(you can visit it)

La Cerdanya is a ‘’comarca’’ of Catalunya, and it’s divided in two parts: the northern part(Alt Urgell) and the southern part(Baix Cerdanya).It’s interesting to visit the churches from Cerdanya, there are gothic murals…

New words for me: -whereas: mentre que

Magazine: Costa Brava Resident, number 32, April 2008.

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