dijous, 29 de març del 2012



Good question! Nowadays is difficult to choose a goal in my life because there are a lot of things that I like and a lot that I dislike. I think that the essential is to being satisfied with what I have but never think that's enough.

My intention is continue studying, when I get the Batxillerat's certificate I'll study something relationated to sports or something similar to marketing and public relations. Really, like I've said before, I don't have any objective in my life. That no means that I'm not motivated to do things and work harder for my future.

When I was a child I had a dream, like everybody in the age of a child, and it was play in the NBA. But now I'm seventeen and I know thaat I'll never arrive there, so what can I do? It's easy: live normally.

dijous, 22 de març del 2012




The last Saturday in the sports hall of Valencia, called La Fonteta, there was a basketball match between the home team, Valencia, and Real Madrid: the leader.

The game has been very exciting, with spectacular actions, dunks, three shoot points and more actions dedicated to the supporters.

The first thirty minutes were dominated clearly for the visiting team, but with the support of the fans in the last ten minutes has made come true the dream of everybody in La Fonteta, less Real Madrid staff, to win the match against the youngest team in Europe and the leader of Spain.

Finally, with the leadership of the captain of their, Rafa Martínez, Valencia Basket got the recovery.

dilluns, 12 de març del 2012


Really, I don't have any favourite song but there are some songs that I like very much. These songs are: ''L'Empordà'' by Sopa de cabra and ''Dear Mr. President'' by Pink.

About the first one I can say that I like the lyrics a lot and the content as well. In this song the band talks about the Empordà, the zone where I was born and where I live, so I identify myself a bit with it.

According to the second one, (''Dear Mr. President'') I've to say that it makes me cry everytime that I listen to it. Also it makes me think about the world and how the politicians are. When I listen to that song I feel really calm.

To conclude, these two songs are like the fire and the ice, so when I want to be calm I try to listen ''Dear Mr. President and when I want the opposite I listen to ''L'Empordà''.

divendres, 2 de març del 2012


For a lot of people pets have not any utility or they think that pets are an innecessary cost; other people think different, like that the pets are necessary in their lives. In my case, pets are necessary materially and in a emotionally way, what I mean is you can have a cat to delete the insects or to give us company.

It's clear that there are different ways to grate a pet. In Morocco, we've there often two or three cats to delete all the exotic animals. The culture that I belong to doesn't accept the animals to make them company; this is the reason why they use them for other questions.

To conclude, I've to say that I'd like to have an exotic animal in my house, like a snake,iguana... or something similar.


Leaving the t-shirt on the banch while I warm up myself and then I put on my t-shirt while my coach gives us the last instructions before going to the pitch. A lot of people could wonder, with all the right of the world, from where do this tradition become?

First of all, I'll tell you thet I play basketball, you have to be totally concentrated if you want that things go reasonably well, that's why I need a method of concentration. Secondly, I'll tell you that when I started playing basketball I used to be nervious before start the game. One day, I forgot to wear the t-shirt game, I don't know why, then I had to warm up myself with the tracksuit, while my father went to bring it. He arrived just before we started the match and I've to put on my t-shirt in the situation that I told you before.

The day finished well for me and my team, so I decided to continue with that routine: warm up myself with the tracksuit and put on my t-shirt  a few minutes before the begining jump.
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