dijous, 9 de maig del 2013

Wanted hacker becomes talk of town

This piece of information talks about an arrested hacker that commited the bigger crime on the net. A friend of the arrested came from Holland with an orange van full of  computers,antennas,...

I think that kind of people, the best hackers should work for the State. No one knows where can we arrive on the net, but they are true specialists and could help keeping the information saved. It is difficult to manage all the staff of the computers, Internet...but they really know a lot of ways to success.It is weird because they live in front of a computer.

Learnt words:

-strike up(a conversation)=iniciar/``donar corda''




Final Four opens with One Team get together in London!

That article talks about the opening ceremony of the final four in London, that some players are representing their clubs playing on the court with some little athletes.

FCB Regal, CSKA Moskow, Real Madrid and Olympiakos will play, from friday to sunday the final four of the Turkish Airlines Euroleague Basketball, that year in london, like two years ago. The team with the best players I think is Real Madrid, because they are relativelly young and experienced. The other Spanish team, FCB Regal arrives with some problems because Nathan Jawai is hurted and their offensive reference is quite hurted too. I think it will be a nice show.

Learnt words:





dimecres, 8 de maig del 2013

Dance music and Romanian singers

In the last years many Romanian artists got known in the dance and house panorama. Most of them were girls that with a little help or the success in some TV programme, for example the young Andre Ola -aged only 15 years old-, through a programme of talented people in Italy, released in the latest months her first single titled "Erase you". 
       Being number one in a lot of international music lists, the young Andre Ola is going to surprise us with another excellent single. Another case is  Inna, another young romanian girl that debuted in 2007 with her first single titled 'Hot', getting around 5 awards. Nowadays Inna is quite famous around the world and has settled down her own dance music genre. 
   There's also other singers like Alexandra Stan or Elena Georghe, that crossed borders and top lists only with their music. These are only a few examples of the many Romanian artists that slowly are getting known for their amazing talent to compose music that sounds in the abroad dance floors. 

In a product is the trademark the least important?

There are many factors that could change our behavior while buying a product.
Inevitably brands are one of them, because they have to be a partner of stereotypes that make distinguishing characteristics and product quality by brand, in order to save us from previous thinking if it is really  the  suitable product.
When we speak of consolidated brands , everyone knows that ensures a certain quality .However, when effects of marketing elements that have the ability to attract our senses so that you look more features in the contents of the product.Here is where we should be alert and try to pay more attention  on content and product quality, which ultimately is the most important.
To sum up, I want to say that when we are going shopping we should bear in mind all the qualities of he product, so that we can choose the best option.

divendres, 26 d’abril del 2013

Castelló d'Empúries
12th April 2013

President Mariano Rajoy 
Complejo de la Moncloa
Avda.del Hierro s/n

Dear Mariano Rajoy,

I wonder if you are aware of the almost inhumane situation that our country suffers. The country is becoming a state of tycoons: the one who was rich now increases his/her account and, consequently, the one who was living in a medium level is starting a recession.

  If I could give you some advice, I would just ask you to hear what is the global concern(finding a job) and I would ask you to be willing to do whatever it takes to redirect the shocking situation, as well. In the streets of the big cities there is some uproar nearly every week because of the worrying situation. However, the crisis is global so you are not the main guilty, but please, take special notice of the citizens.

  I am looking forward to see some changes in my life.
  Yours sincerelly,



Nowadays it is accepted to go on demonstration and protest against any social situation.
 Actually, in our societywe are allowed to go outside with an organisation and protest against something you don't agree with. For example, if I am not on behalf of slavery, wherever it occurs, I can contact with an organisation and talk on behalf of the citizens at the administration.

  On the other hand, there are the real facts. What I mean is that we can organize ourselves and worry about our future but the politicians, who have the power decision, don't pay enough attention to our protests. Therefore, politicians make themselves blind to our protests and that is not the way to collaborate together.

  To sum up, in my view we must go on protesting so that the politicians can be aware of our worries and our problems.

divendres, 5 d’abril del 2013


1. What are human rights?
  -Human rights is the name we use to refer to all universal rights humans have. The declaration should be complished fer every human being.
2. Why were they created?
 -I think they were created to protect people from all around the world.

3. How many human rights are there?
-Actually there are 30 human rights, but they could be more.

4. Which human right were you not familiar with? Mention an example where this human right is respected and where it is not respected.
 -The one I can disagree with is the 5, that says: ''No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment''. I am not on behalf of it because I think that there is a lot of people in the world the deserves more than torture, there is a kind of people that I would kill everyday, if it would be possible.

divendres, 1 de març del 2013


That text talks about the fourty, more or less, stolen computers from the high school where I am studying, in Castelló d'Empúries. There is two over-aged guys and two under-eighteen boys involved in that case and the policy had given the name of the two over-aged guys.
  I can not understand why someone has to steal and even more in an educational center. Steaing is always a bad idea and it could be punished, but I think that the Spanish legislation protect so much the one who has the blame on something.

dijous, 28 de febrer del 2013


Nowadays we are in a very developed era and politicians are aware of it. It is amazing how they can steal and play with public money...there is many cases of politicians in Spain that they had stolen a lot of milions and the judge can not say nothing because there is not as many clues as necessary.

   The most pitiful is that if that money would be stolen by a current person the process will be more quicker and there will be an strict punishment. In Spain we have the case ''Pallarols'', ''Bárcenas'', ''Urdangarín''... and more cases that almost are hide. From my point of view the government should do an exception and issue an ultimatum for these ''polite crooks'' and give them fourty-eight hours to return the quantity that they have stolen to us, and if they don't fulfil  that obligation they will be punished hardly, even  with death penalty.

  That's my thoughts, I know there are more solutions but if we want quick solutions that's my point of view. I know, as well, that it has always been that troubles because the humans don't conform with what we have and we want much more than our possessions.

dilluns, 25 de febrer del 2013



Najat is my medium sister and I don't know exactly how old she is (29 more or less), it is difficult to believe but it is true. I've chosen her to do that work because I look up to Najat. She had strived a lot to achieve her goals and she got them. She has an economical degree and she still works. Physically, she is quite tall and slim, she has a sweet face and wonderful eyes, as well. She is not a spectacular woman and that is what I like the most, because she is generous, pleasant and I can lean on her when I have any troubles.
  As I said previously, she has an economical degree from Universitat de Girona and she works in a construction company and she is important there. She is a responsible person and very mature. I think she is in that way because when my family came to Catalunya they hadn't so much money, so someone had to think about it and she did it. Now she is married and lives without so many worries. It is difficult for me to describe a fault, but well, from my point of view, she is excessivelly generous.

  In conclusion, I would like to grow up and be like my sister, but I am conscious that this requires a lot of effort. I am proud of having a clever sister because I will always have her support/help.
Final reflection: due to the fact that I have an excessivelly generous sister I am in that way, maybe if I had been born before her I'd have been different.

dimecres, 13 de febrer del 2013



Saint Valentine's Day, commonly known as Valentine's Day, or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is observed on February 14 each year. It is celebrated in many countries around the world, although it remains a working day in most of them, that's the definition in wikipedia, but in a personally way, I could define it as the day of lovers, simply.

   In my case, I've never celebrated it because I am not a lover but I don't dismiss someday I can celebrate it. That day is so special for the couples because they give presents each other and they enjoy that day hardly. I think that day can be used to increase their feelings of love and desires and wishes to be united more time.

   It is usually viewed, as well, to send cards each other which reinforce their relationship. I wrote about that event because is something universal which moves people around the world by the love, so love is in the air!

dilluns, 11 de febrer del 2013



It's true that nowadays, young people are very lazy and we are not able to read a text and fight with it. If it requires effort we give up, we don't strive on it. In general, that's the trend to follow. 
   But the evolution shouw us that young people have changed a lot, for example: twenty years ago a 16-years-old guy was like a 20-years-old guy of nowadays. What I mean is that twenty years ago, people became more mature earlier and lifestyle was different. In my point of view, we were borned and we found all what we needed and more than that. 
   In conclusion, I think we have to bear in mind what our possessions are and we must evaluate how difficult it is for some people to live as we do now.