diumenge, 25 de novembre del 2012


dissabte, 24 de novembre del 2012


Jeremy Lin has met again her exteammates of New York Knicks in the first game against them this season. Jeremy had hugged Tysson Chandler and Carmelo Anthony and talked a little about the previous matches.
When the game begins Jeremy's team(Rockets) was very confused and Rockets embarassed the New York Knicks (131-103). Anthony's team had focused so much only in Lin and that is the reason why Knicks had lost, because Rockets played as a team and different players had apported points to win the match.

I believe that Lin was very motivated to play that game and that helps to her team to concentrate and play hard. Rockets had deffend very strong and they not lacked intensity. Knicks didn't play as a team and that could be deciding.

Words I have learnt:
-lack:mancar de


BARACK OBAMA/Nov. 6, 2012

Barack Obama was sworn in as the forty-fourth president of the United States on 20 January 2009. Since then until now, he had been the president of the USA wining many political campaings.It has not been easy, because he  always had to confront his opponents.
Obama's first term was very successful because he had eliminated  Bin Laden and approved a health reform bill. But the republicans criticize aspects like immigration and climate change. As a result, in 2010 he lost the primary elections.

For me, Barack Obama seems like a good president. The first impression that I had when I begin to hear about him is that he's a hard-working. But like most of the politicians, he is looking for her protagonism. I think he is a good president right now, but he could be better.

Words I have learnt:
-defeating: derrotat



    It is generally agreed that humour is necessary in our lives. But why is it not completely agreed?
First of all, it is compulsory to say that it is impossible to be totally in favour of some statements or something happens. Everyone to their choice...
    Let's explain a little about that statement. There are people who strongly believe that humour is an aspect which should be everyday with us. They say that jokes make our lives easy and if we have not a bit of humour we could run into trouble. That group needs laughs and crazy people around them to go on with their days.
    Contrary to them, there are the ones who think that it is not strongly  necessary a sense of humour to carry on with our lives. That group deffends generally that laughs are only a little part of us, they say that there are things hardly important than laughs.
    While these teo groups are opposite, I think that every statement could be accepted next to a good reason.To conclude, I feel that people are becoming more liberal and humour becomes something really important for us.

divendres, 23 de novembre del 2012


Joseph Kony is one of the most rebel leaders. He force the childs to become killers and other group in slaves. Right now he is hiding in Central African Republic.
U.S. officials believe that Mr. Kony is hiding in a remote corner of the Central African Republic , though some ugandan officialssaid he had moved to Sudan, with the consent of the Sudanese government.

In my point of view these kind of people should be died. They use children like a tool or less than a tool. They trate them as a thing and people are all the same. We can not force anyone to do Any thing.

Words I have learnt:
   -bride: novio/a
   -blot out: borrar de la ment
   -swirling: turbulent


divendres, 16 de novembre del 2012


Two friends taking a talk after a long time without meeting each other. Jay is so different now...

Jay: -Hi guy!
Tom: -Hi Jay, it's been a long time!!
        How are you?
Jay: -I'm fine...what about you?
Tom: -Well, right now I'm ok. I feel on cloud nine!
       Oh Jay, what had happened to your nose??
Jay: -Nothing weird, I've operated it...
Tom: (confused)
Jay: -Have I done something wrong?
Tom: -No,no...I was thinking that you were different...
Jay: -People changes buddy! ;)
Tom: -Oh, what the hell, your lips Jay! You're surprising me so much!
Jay: -Yes Tom, I've applied a bit of lipo in my lips, as well.
        Any peoblem with that?
Tom: -Please Jay, don't be angry. Why are people so crazy? (lowly)
Jay: -Have you said anything Tom?
Tom: -Oh no, no...I was just...
Jay: -Trying what men?? (angrylly)
Tom: -Mmmmm...(looking at the floor) trying to understand you, because you've changed a lot since last time.
Jay: -Tell me why. Just because of the lipo? It's normal, do you know what I mean?
Tom: -Yes, yes...but what I mean is that before you were a good guy and...
Jay: -So, now you think that I'm a bad boy, am I wrong?
Tom: -Noooo, please listen.
Jay: -Let's go, explain yourself.
Tom: -Well, when we were at the high school you were funnier, you liked to go to the gym and all that stuff.
        But actually there isn't anything from the high school's Jay.
Jay: -That's not your business Tom!
Tom: -Ok Jay, I'm just tryibg to help you to recognize that lipo could become an addiction for you.
Jay: -What the f*** are you saying?
Tom: -My advice to you dear is to wake up from that dangerous dream which you belong to.
Jay: -Shut uo, ok Tom?
Tom: -I won't shut up 'cause I wanna help you. You've done a turn for the worse...
Jay: -Leave me, I don't wanna hear you!
(Tom cannot believe what he's hearing and leaves).

dissabte, 20 d’octubre del 2012


   ''Time is your enemy. It will steal everything away from you''.

To begin, we have to be conscious that time is a concept , therefore we cannot buy time or sell it.
On the one hand, there are people who think that, in fact, time can steal everything away from us. For example, they say that when we are doing something that we like a lot, it ends so fast; and when we are doing something that we don't like much, we get bored and it is difficult to carry on with it. So their conclusion is that time is our traitor.
On the other hand, there is a group who thinks that time cannot steal everything from us. It is clear that, as time goes by, we miss our beauty, youth, maybe memory as well; but aspects like intelligence, money...can never be stolen from us.
To conclude, I have to say that time goes on and we die. I am in favour of the two satements I explained previously because I have experimented a little of both. So, what can we do? Just try to enjoy what we are doing.



  William belongs to a rural village in South Africa. His family and people around the village depend on farming, so it was difficult and hard for Willy to continue studying because of the farming, then he had decided to drop out of school.
 He was a special one, because he had a great idea to help himself and his family, and the idea was to build a windmill to achieve power and use electricity for many things. The idea came by searching a book in the library, he saw a picture of a windmill and he thought that he had to do something similar. He was fourteen when he ddecided to do it.
 People around couldn't believe it. They thought that he was going mad, but when they saw what he finally had done everybody was surprised and everybody wanted to have a windmill and take profit about it.
As a result of his effort, in 2007 he was invited to the USA. The American journalists were interested in interviewing Willy and in one of these interviews he had revealed a little secret, he took a tractor fan to build the windmill. He said that his dream is to finish the education, as well.

dimecres, 26 de setembre del 2012


 Hi Lourdes,

   I'm Youssef from Castelló d'Empúries and I'm seventeen. I'd like to start introducing  mysself  talking a little about what I've done in summer.
   Well, I think it has been a great time although i was doing ''ramadan'' during a month. I've worked in a supermarket in Empuriabrava, I should say that in my case I've learnt to be more responsible and know how to face up to a difficult situation like you've done a mistake and the boss didn't like it. There are so many things that you have not to study to learn, this is what I want transmit to you.
   Nowadays, I'm studying to get the Batxillerat, but what I really want is to work in the turistic area. I'll do what ever it takes to get my goal.

dimecres, 6 de juny del 2012


    It’s clear that I’ve improved my level since 2009. In all the areas I’ve learnt new fatcs  because we did in class a lot of listenings, songs with lyrics, we see films... I really think that I’ve improved my English enjoying it, that’s the most important. Before, I was get used to use the translator to do the writings, but day after day I’ve learnt that I have to use my words if what I want is to succes.

    In my case, it’s good to say that the activity that I like more is the oral prsentations. It seems to me that I develope myself better orally than in an e–ssay. Also I like a lot when we work in the lyrics of whatever song or film. I think that these two things had helped me a lot in my improvement.

    The activities that were really useful for me to improve are the homeworks and the listenings. Refeer to the first, I’ve to say that we can learn a lot if we did our homework from the ativity book; and refeer to the second one, it’s important to listen and understand somebody, it’s basic.

    While the listenings, presentations... and all that stuff I consider them usefuls, the task that I’ve not enjoyed and I think that is not really useful is the podcast. The podcast is a task that we can prepare and try it a lot of times and the important for me is the spontanious things.

    To conclude, next year I’d ike to do more presentations and dialogues like having a formal argue or something like that. It won’t be a problem if we have to do a blog, but I think that it shouldn’t be compulsary. That’s all.     

diumenge, 3 de juny del 2012


The Dromedary

The dromedary is the arabian camel.

Is an animal with one hump (the camel have two). Is a very resistent animal. Dromedaries rarely sweat, even in the hot desert, so they can save the fluids for a long time in his hump.

For 3500 years ago the man has domesticated the camel, using his great strength and resistance to travel around the desert.

For it I love the camels, they're a very strong animal, apparently quiet at everytime. Probably any other animal could survive with this conditions. For this reason, the camel is an exceptional animal, and they have gained an entry on this blog.



He opened the house door and went to the Central Park, double quick. He felt, while he was walking, an atmosphere full of tension.

When he arrived at the park he met two young people who were victims of an undesirable situtation, because thet were arguing. Arnold told John: <<You must accept my freedom, and this is what you are not doing!>> And John replied angrilly: <<I'm not going to tolerate that you or anybody else smoke in a public park and, besides that, in front of me.>>

He was very unhappy with his life, it wasn't the first time that he went out from his house and found this type of atmosphere. Then he decided to sit in a bench and think carefully. In his brain there were dark thoughts like killing himself, going abroad... Just in that precise moment the most terrible thing happened: Arnold, tired of trying John to make understand that he has the freedom to smoke outside, told him that if he goes against what he says he will kill him.

Finally, he came home thinking that he wasn't the ones in the world that has problems. That was a reason that gives power to somebody to continue living.



La Cerdanya is a pyrenean ‘’comarca’’ in northern Catalunya. There are actually two parts to Cerdanya, a result of its division between Spain and France as part of the 1659 Treaty of the Pyrenees. The northern part, Alt Cerdanya, belongs to France, whereas the southern part, Baix Cerdanya, is Spanish territory. It is bordered by the Catalan comarques of Alt Urgell to the west, Solsonès and Berguedà to the south and Ripollès to the east.
Noteworthy religious buildings include the Esgle´sia de Sant Domènec in the heart of the town, with its gothic murals, and a 42-metre square belltower, the Campanar de Santa Maria(you can visit it)

La Cerdanya is a ‘’comarca’’ of Catalunya, and it’s divided in two parts: the northern part(Alt Urgell) and the southern part(Baix Cerdanya).It’s interesting to visit the churches from Cerdanya, there are gothic murals…

New words for me: -whereas: mentre que

Magazine: Costa Brava Resident, number 32, April 2008.

divendres, 1 de juny del 2012



Introduction:These are two guys who they studied togheter until the university.They both conpleted their studies and now,after ten years they meet themselves again.

J:Is that you?
Y:Yes oh my god Joan it's been a long time!!
J:What about your life,what happened with your life?
Y:Well non,I'm working in a travel agency in Portugal.I'm very comfortable there.
J:Oh man it sounds good!
Y:And you dude what about you?
J:Nothing extraodinary,but I work in a coffee company in Brasil.
Y:Are you single or what man?
J:Yes, but I've met a lot of women in Brasil.
Y:Oh Joan you are crazy!!In my case I'm married.
J:(laughs)Oh you've become screwed!!
Y:But you've to know that I'm living in a paradise.
J:Sorry buddy.I see you someday.

(Ivan, you've to go on youtube with this link. Sorry!)

dijous, 17 de maig del 2012



It's clear! This is what we must do: learning from mistakes. For me, learning from the mistakes I've made should be a way of life, although we don't all apply hard enough to get it.Life is an imperfect course, but the future gives us the chance to draw lessons from the mistakes and then, learn  for the next time, if it's possible.

Related to the dictionary ''learning'' has the following meaning: ''to acquire knowledge of something through study or experience''. Therefore, as indicated in the dictionary, to learn we should experiment, in this case a mistake.

I think we should have the word ''learn'' in our minds everytime and everywhere, because nobody has been perfect, nobody's perfect and possibilly nobody will ever be perfect, maybe yes. 

I say a very clear example about learning and personal superation: Lionel Andrés Messi, the best football player in the world, as his teammates say, goes everyday to the training sessions trying to learn from his few mistakes.

I just have to say, if someone likes Messi, with his world cathegory, tries to learn, we all, ''normal'' people also should try to learn from the left mistakes.



Dear Peter,

Thanks for your attention and your implication to send me a letter. I've understood that you want to know where I'm going to spend my time in holidays, so I tell you that this summer I'll be staying in Alt Empordà. My family and I usually stay in a camping, so we're going to stay in a camping this time as well.

The place that I can recommend is Roses. I like it a lot, there are beaches, hotels, pools, shops... The weather in summer is ideal for everything. It's really lively. It's a pretty town because there are impressive views on the sea. People is very friendly and they like to meet new people.

About the activities in Roses, I can say that there are a lot of things to do like spending a day in ''Aqua Brava'', ''Go Karts'', ''Minigolf'', you can go to the cinema... and if you are stressed you can go sightseeing in Canyelles or Almadrava, two relaxing beaches in the outskirts of Roses. The concerts are usual in Roses, sometimes there are singers and groups like ''Els Amics de les Arts'', David Bisbal... It's difficult to get bored in Roses.

Like I said previously, the weather is good and sometimes it's too hot, so you need light clothes.

           Youssef, hugs.

dijous, 29 de març del 2012



Good question! Nowadays is difficult to choose a goal in my life because there are a lot of things that I like and a lot that I dislike. I think that the essential is to being satisfied with what I have but never think that's enough.

My intention is continue studying, when I get the Batxillerat's certificate I'll study something relationated to sports or something similar to marketing and public relations. Really, like I've said before, I don't have any objective in my life. That no means that I'm not motivated to do things and work harder for my future.

When I was a child I had a dream, like everybody in the age of a child, and it was play in the NBA. But now I'm seventeen and I know thaat I'll never arrive there, so what can I do? It's easy: live normally.

dijous, 22 de març del 2012




The last Saturday in the sports hall of Valencia, called La Fonteta, there was a basketball match between the home team, Valencia, and Real Madrid: the leader.

The game has been very exciting, with spectacular actions, dunks, three shoot points and more actions dedicated to the supporters.

The first thirty minutes were dominated clearly for the visiting team, but with the support of the fans in the last ten minutes has made come true the dream of everybody in La Fonteta, less Real Madrid staff, to win the match against the youngest team in Europe and the leader of Spain.

Finally, with the leadership of the captain of their, Rafa Martínez, Valencia Basket got the recovery.

dilluns, 12 de març del 2012


Really, I don't have any favourite song but there are some songs that I like very much. These songs are: ''L'Empordà'' by Sopa de cabra and ''Dear Mr. President'' by Pink.

About the first one I can say that I like the lyrics a lot and the content as well. In this song the band talks about the Empordà, the zone where I was born and where I live, so I identify myself a bit with it.

According to the second one, (''Dear Mr. President'') I've to say that it makes me cry everytime that I listen to it. Also it makes me think about the world and how the politicians are. When I listen to that song I feel really calm.

To conclude, these two songs are like the fire and the ice, so when I want to be calm I try to listen ''Dear Mr. President and when I want the opposite I listen to ''L'Empordà''.

divendres, 2 de març del 2012


For a lot of people pets have not any utility or they think that pets are an innecessary cost; other people think different, like that the pets are necessary in their lives. In my case, pets are necessary materially and in a emotionally way, what I mean is you can have a cat to delete the insects or to give us company.

It's clear that there are different ways to grate a pet. In Morocco, we've there often two or three cats to delete all the exotic animals. The culture that I belong to doesn't accept the animals to make them company; this is the reason why they use them for other questions.

To conclude, I've to say that I'd like to have an exotic animal in my house, like a snake,iguana... or something similar.


Leaving the t-shirt on the banch while I warm up myself and then I put on my t-shirt while my coach gives us the last instructions before going to the pitch. A lot of people could wonder, with all the right of the world, from where do this tradition become?

First of all, I'll tell you thet I play basketball, you have to be totally concentrated if you want that things go reasonably well, that's why I need a method of concentration. Secondly, I'll tell you that when I started playing basketball I used to be nervious before start the game. One day, I forgot to wear the t-shirt game, I don't know why, then I had to warm up myself with the tracksuit, while my father went to bring it. He arrived just before we started the match and I've to put on my t-shirt in the situation that I told you before.

The day finished well for me and my team, so I decided to continue with that routine: warm up myself with the tracksuit and put on my t-shirt  a few minutes before the begining jump.
Afegeix la llegenda

dilluns, 20 de febrer del 2012


    Ivu's a great friend of mine, he's from Gambia so he's black. Ivu's tall, brown-eyed and he's got ''rasta hair''. He's seventeen years old and he's got a a brother who plays football.
   At first, Ivu seems introverted, shy, serious... but he's totally different with his friends. When we're together is very chatty and he helps me in my bad moments. He's quite outgoing; he likes to going out on weekends, but noy always.
   Ivu, likes a lot of people, has got worries, fears... and I try to help him. He's worried about the future, the politicians... so when we're speaking about those things I ignore him and I play music(Don't worr, be happy by Bobby McFerrin). He would like to kill all the politicians and make a reset in our lives. ''IMPOSSIBLE IVU!!''
   Finally, I've to say that my friend is not a silly boy. He's very sociable, ambitious, intuitive... (he guides himself a lot by intuitions). Those are good qualities in a friend.